Safety Training: Why It Should Be A Top Priority

In today's business climate most companies understand the benefits of properly training employees  and visitors on safety. This is especially true if a company has had to go through litigation because of accusations of negligence or operating in an unsafe environment. Money spent on safety training is usually much less than what it potentially could cost if an accident occurs. When an employee is involved in an accident several things happen that can cost the company money.  Consider the following:

Accidents halt or slow down productivity. No company ever wants this to happen. When productivity is not running at optimal levels current customers become unhappy and potential customers move on to work with competitors.

Injured employees must be replaced with new employees which often requires additional training. This uses company resources. New employees typically work at slower production rates and require more supervision as well.

As the # of claims increases, the company will pay higher premiums for coverage. This can take away from buying new equipment, giving current employees raises or adding new employees. All of which would help the company grow.

Companies can often face expensive legal claims. Unfortunately in today's climate we are bombarded with ads on TV from lawyers that are always ready and willing to sue a company for a workplace accident. These legal battles can result in negative publicity on top of paying out thousands or even millions of dollars in settlements.

Although intangible, a good safety training program is an invaluable asset to every company. Accidents are going to happen, but most are preventable with proper on the job safety training. A company that has fewer accidents is more productive and more profitable which results in higher employee morale and more of an interest in participating in the on going effort to keep the workplace safe.

Central Maintenance recognizes that safety and loss control is an essential ingredient in our operation for humanitarian, economic and legal reasons.  In 2003 we implemented a safety committee consisting of 7 members, with the objective to help provide a safe working environment.  The safety committee is certified by the State of Pennsylvania and meets on a monthly basis.  The committee is dedicated to providing active leadership and the necessary support to develop and maintain a successful safety program.

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